Resources listed are the most common, but are not limited to:
Click Organization name for further information or direct website.
(703) 761‐0750
Their mission is to advance brain injury prevention, research, treatment, and education and to improve the quality of life for all individuals impacted by brain injury. Through advocacy, they bring help, hope, and healing to millions of individuals living with brain injury, their families, and the professionals who serve them.
Disability Rights Pennsylvania mission is to
protect and advocate for rights of people with disabilities so that they may live the lives they choose,
free from abuse, neglect, discrimination, and segregation.
Their mission is to prevent brain injury and improve the quality of life for people who have experienced brain injury and their family members through support, education, advocacy, and research. It’s designed to give brain injury resource information. Since its inception in 2002, volunteers have handled thousands of phone calls.
(724) 203-3479
Impacted, Inc. was born out of a need to spread awareness and support for head injuries in children and youth. Their mission is, "impacting the effects of concussion in youths through prevention, education, advocacy and support.
The Brain Injury Resource Line (BIRL) is a toll-free number, maintained by the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania. It is designed to give resource information to all who call. A call to this number will connect you to a recording that invites you to leave your telephone number. These calls are assigned to a volunteer who will return the call and provide information.
This organization advocates for those who have personally faced the challenges of having a family member with a catastrophic injury. The major obstacle that people are faced with is not knowing how to get the help that they need.

Additional Resources:
AHEDD, Employment Services, Training & Replacement
(717) 560‐1000
Acquired Brain Injury Network Pennsylvania (ABIN‐PA)
Aging/Disability Resource Centers
Brain Injury On‐line Support Chat
Defense/Veterans Brain Injury
PA Department of Health - Head Injury Program (HIP)
(717) 772‐2762 or 1‐800‐635‐7097
Special Olympics (recreational programs)
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)